It has become a tradition for Metrotec to track the movements of various groups of adventure travellers or sports folk, be it for the 63 km cross-country ski run known as the Tartu Marathon, an 80 km swim across the Gulf of Finland, an off-road vehicle expedition to Mongolia or the Amphibear's trip around the world.
This time, the focus is on a 4x4 travel venture to Central Asia. The travellers will pass the giant gas crater known as the Door to Hell in the Karakum Desert, the underground lake Kow-Ata, various sections of the famous Silk Road, the Pamir ?motorway? that runs along the border of Afghanistan, take in a great deal of wonderful natural sights and cultural experience, and discover many near-forgotten villages and markets. The Pamir highway is second highest in the world in terms of elevation, rising up to 4655 m above sea level. The company will test their equipment in conditions in which they only have themselves and their good luck to rely on.
Click the link to follow the location and progress of the company.
News and photos of the trip are available through Facebook
Amphibious vehicles have been built for different purposes all the time. But how many engineers have constructed a cross-country vehicle that can cross oceans as well? There is one for certain - Mait Nilson. Click on and read, how that happened. A grande finale crowns years of dreaming and work - on 2nd November 2013 Mait begins his round the world voyage. The first serious water obstacle will be the Strait of Gibraltar. Click on and monitor Amphibear on its 9 month yourney.